


1987年11月18日,英國倫敦國王十字地鐵站火災,造成了31人死亡。開展此次調查過程中,調查人員發(fā)現有兩個問題需要科學解釋:1. 地鐵站人流往來頻繁,地鐵站內人員18:30就聞到異味,但始終沒有人發(fā)現扶梯通道內起火,導致火災沒有得到及時控制;2.為什么火災會如此迅速的蔓延至售票大廳,導致造成大量人員傷亡。針對上述兩個調查中遇到的問題,英國愛丁堡大學的D.D.Drysdale教授帶領團隊開展了關于扶梯通道“溝槽效應”的研究,1992年部分研究內容發(fā)表在《Fire Safety Journal》期刊。通過翻譯此篇關于“溝槽效應”文獻,希望對大家認識這種特殊燃燒現象有所幫助,更好地開展調查工作。譯者水平所限,有不妥之處,懇請批評指正!


This paper describes the series of experiments carried out to elucidate the mechanism by which the fire involving an escalator at King's Cross Underground Station on 18 November 1987 spread so rapidly.



During the early stages of the investigation which followed the King's Cross Underground Station fire of 18 November 1987, the mechanism by which the fire had developed with such apparent rapidity was not known. The first clue was given by the results of the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model developed at Harwell,I which indicated that a heat source between the balustrades of the escalator would produce an upward flow of hot air, confined within the escalator channel which lay at an angle of 30 to the horizontal. Although this was not realistic as a fire model, it prompted this investigation into the dynamics of flames associated with an inclined channel.


At the time, there was only limited knowledge of the behaviour of fames spreading over inclined surfaces, although fiame defilection towards a plane slope had been reported for angles as low as 20° to the horizontal.Preliminary experiments with a channel lined with cardboard and inclined at 30 (to represent a b-scale model 'escalator' lined with wood) revealed significant fiame interactions, which resulted in onfinement of the flames to the ckannel and rapid upward spread.Accordingly, a series of experiments was undertaken to investigate these interactions further.



The apparatus


The channel was constructed from 9.5 mm plywood, faced on the inside with aluminium sheet, 1-3 mm thick (Fig.1). The sides were 200 mm high and their separation could be varied up to a maximum of 320 mm.In the experiments described here, the separation was 280 mm, giving a cross-section in approximate proportion to the escalator invoived in the fire. The total length was 2460 mm (8ft). It was located beneath an extract hood, but there was no imposed airflow.



圖1 實驗通道的橫截面,顯示緊貼左側“欄桿”的可燃物。(1)固定欄桿,由9.5mm厚的膠合板構成;(2)可移動欄桿(也由膠合板構成);(3)1.3mm厚的鋁片;(4)石蠟浸過的硬紙板;(5)實驗期間用于固定硬紙板的角鋼。

The fuel


As the obiective of these experiments was to examine the behaviour of the flames rather than to model the fire initiation and growth, the fuel was chosen to give established burning in as short a period of time as possible, with sustained burning for at least 1 min. Cardboard (2 mm thick,98 kg/m') soaked in paraffin (c.3g/m) was found to be suitable: the cardboard acted as a stable wick, allowing the liquid to burn off fairly uniformly. Paraffin is perhaps too volatile for this purpose, but other less volatile fuels which were tried caused the cardboard to char and buckle during flaming, which could give irregular behaviour. With paraffin, the card remained in place until the liquid fuel had been largely consumed, thus allowing the behaviour of the flames to be observed.


Sections of paraffin-soaked card, 20 cm in length, were held against the sides and fioor of the channel by lengths of thin-section, mild-steel angle. Ignition was achieved by using a gas torch to set alight pieces of paraffin-soaked string lying along the foot of the "balustrades'. Card on the floor' was ienited by direct fiame contact along its lower edge.Complete involvement of the fuel-bed surfaces was normally achieved within 20-30s, and quasi-steady burning lasted for another 60-75 s.



Several series of experiments were carried out, but the most important involved a section of channel which was in the same proportion as the King's Cross escalator. The behaviour of the fames that were observed characterise the so-called 'trench effect' very well. The 20-cm lengths of paraffin-soaked card were located with their lower edges 50 mm from the foot of the channel. Figures 2-7 compare three situations in which only one side ('balustrade') is burning (Figs 2 and 3), (i) in which both sides are burning (Figs 4 and 5), and (ii) in which both sides and the "floor' are burning (Figs 6 and 7). It was noted that when only a section of "floor' was burning, the flames remained in the channel, flowing upwards at an angle of 30, hugging the floor above the burning section: the implications for fiame spread are discussed elsewhere.


When only one side is burning, the fames are observed to rise vertically (Figs 2 and 3). When both sides are alight, the flames are deflected towards the centre-line of the channel, their tips merging (as shown in Fig. 4), and also towards the slope of the channel, effectively reducing the height of the flames as seen from the side (Fig. 5). When both sides and the floor are alight, the flames interact and are deflected o such an extent that the confinement to the channel is almost complete (Figs 6 and 7).


The same type of behaviour was observed when the burning surfaces were located near the top (within 200 mm) of the channel, and when the length of the burning fuel bed was reduced from 20 to 5 cm. The effect of channel width was also investigated, albeit superficially. It was more pronounced for 'a 200-mm-wide channel, but there was still some fame deflection when one side was completely removed (infinite width), provided the floor was alight.





The scale experiments described in this paper clearly reveal a type of flame behaviour which had not previously been identified. If the internal surfaces of an inclined channel are burning, the flames are deflected into the channel if the angle of inclination is 30 ° . The effect is greatest if the floor is burning, but there is evidence that it will occur to a significant extent if only the sides are involved. The effect is enhanced in narrow channels, although the limits have not been ascertained. No attempt was made to model either the confining shaft or the combustible side wall that were present in the King's Cross fire. The fact that the channel itself was capable of confining the flames and keeping them below the 'handrail' level is consistent in a qualitative sense with the dynamics of natural diffusion flames, which satisfy their demand for oxygen by entraining air from the surrounding atmosphere.


Moreover, such behaviour can account for two critical features of the original fire-why it was not perceived much earlier that a life threatening situation was developing, and why the fire spread so rapidly into the booking hall. The former is consistent with flame deflection into the escalator channel (cf. Fig. 7): none of the survivors reported seeing "large flames' before the fire erupted into the ticket hall-not even Fireman Bell, who descended an adjacent escalator (No. 6) only 2 or 3 min previously.5 The rapid spread of fiame up the escalator is consistent with high rates of heat transfer generated by fiames and hot gases deflected upwards between the wooden balustrades. This hypothesis was subsequently confirmed in the t-scale tests carried out at the Health and Safety Executive Laboratories at Buxton (Derbyshire, UK).

此外,這種火焰行為可以解釋火災初期的兩個關鍵問題,即:為什么人們沒有在初期火災發(fā)展到危及人的生命之前,更早地發(fā)現火災?為什么火災會如此迅速地蔓延至售票大廳?第一個問題與實驗中火焰向自動扶梯通道內傾斜的研究結果一致(如圖7):在火燒到售票大廳前,沒有一名幸存者表示看到過“大火焰”,甚至消防員Bell也沒有發(fā)現,他在火災前2~3分鐘乘相鄰的(6號)自動扶梯下來。實驗中在木質壁面之間,向上的火焰和熱煙氣造成的快速熱量傳遞與實際火災中火焰在自動扶梯上的迅速蔓延是一致的。隨后在Buxton(英國德比郡)的健康與安全實驗室(Health and Safety Executive Laboratories)進行的1:3比例的實驗證實了這種假設。

It is likely that this behaviour will not be unique to escalators and may be observed in other inclined combustible surfaces with an appropriate degree of confinement.' A better understanding of the controlling factors is required so that other configurations which are capable of rapid fire growth can be identified. Such work is currently in hand at Edinburgh University.



1. Simcox, S, Wilkes, N. S. & Jones, I. P, Fire at King's Cross Underground Station, 18th November 1987: Numerical simulation of the buoyant flow and heat transfer. Report No. AERE-G 4677, Harwell Laboratory, Harwell, UK, 1988.

2. Markstein, G. H. & De Ris, J., Upward fire spread over textiles, l~h Symposium (International) on Combustion. The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, pp. 1085-97.

3. Drysdale, D. D, Introduction to Fire Dynamics. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, UK, 1985.

4. Drysdale, D. D. & Macmillan, A. J. R. Flame spread on inclined surfaces. Fire Safety J. (in press).

5. Fennell, D, Investigation into the King's Cross Underground Fire. HMSO, London, UK, 1988, Ch. 12.

6. Moodie, K. & Jagger, S. F., The King's Cross Fire: Results and analysis from the scale model tests. Fire Safety J, 18(1) (1992) 83-103.